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Dear Esteemed Scholars, Presenters, and Participants,


Welcome to the 2023 Shakespeare Association of Korea (SAK) International Conference!


As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of SAK, we are thrilled to host this landmark conference at Seoul National University from October 27-28, 2023. We are particularly excited about this year's theme, "Between Proximity and Distance: Transposing Shakespeare Today," which encourages us to probe and ponder the many ways in which Shakespeare and his contemporaries' works have been transposed across diverse cultures, epochs, geographies, and artistic mediums.


The concept of proximity and distance in the study of Shakespeare can be conceptual, temporal, or physical. Our interaction with these ageless texts is a measure of our ability to bridge distances—be they chronological, cultural, geographical, or textual. It is our sincere hope that this conference will serve as an intellectual crossroads where we can collectively traverse these vast distances.


We are honored to have an esteemed line-up of keynote and plenary speakers who will offer their unique insights and perspectives. We are also looking forward to the diverse presentations that our participants will deliver, lending further richness to our discussions.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation for your involvement in this conference, whether as a presenter or participant. Your contributions are vital to its success. Together, let's celebrate 60 years of SAK, and the timeless relevance of Shakespeare, through lively discourse and mutual discovery.


Warmest regards,

Hyon-U Lee

President of Shakespeare Association of Korea

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